Realin supplies software for utilizing measurement data and IoT devices.
Versatile sensor information contains measurement, identification, location and imaging data. In addition to dedicated sensors, data sources are existing automation systems, IoT devices, and databases.
Sensor data applications are a key part when moving into service business. Sensor data is utilised for intelligent products, remote monitoring, and process optimisation. Data analytics is used for continuous monitoring and issue detection.
Sensor data applications are used, among others, in real estate services, inventory management and logistics, industrial measurements, and with various IoT devices.
We help our customers to create new business and efficiency with sensor data applications.
We provide comprehensive cloud software and web applications for sensor data reporting, user interfaces, systems integration, and data analysis and management.
We adapt the services for your use. The result is functionally and visually a service that fully looks your company.
We maintain your services in the cloud and keep the software and IoT platform up to date.
We take care of the maintenance, lifecycle, support and security of your software product!
Connected devices and systems • Sensor devices, automation systems, and other data sources • LoRaWan devices and sensors
Integrations and adapters with different systems • Open interfaces and third-party interfaces • API
Secure data storage • Analytics, reports, automatic alarms and controls • IoT platform • Maintenance and support
Usability and graphical design • UI/UX design • With the customer's brand name and product name
Mobile-optimised web interfaces and applications • Native Android and iOS apps as needed
The implementation of a new service or software product can start from an idea or a concept. Thus, the scope of product development varies from the visual branding of an existing core application to completely new functionality and web applications.
The development is done with the focus on the final product. Before coding, we plan the business cases, product functionality, and visual designs together with our customer. We always invest in usability and user experience.
We operate with agile development that avoids freezing the design too early or unnecessary over specifying. The project progresses iteratively. We provide a test versions as soon as possible for evaluation, feedback, and trials. We take use of our IoT platform and cure software to streamline the product development. The life cycle of the product is managed with changes, extensions and continuous maintenance.
Check out the frequently asked questions below:
The Realin's cloud platform provides open interfaces, through which a customer company or a third party can utilise sensor data in reporting and applications.
Our IoT platform is a key component in all of our operations, and we take care of it ourselves.
In its simplest form, the sensor data application by Realin is extended with the customer's brand, product name and internet domain name.
The implementation may also need a single sign-on support, deployment of the servers on customer's data center or cloud platform, and extended interfaces between different applications. In this case, IoT reporting and sensor applications can be part of a larger service, while maintaining a consistent user experience.
Existing web applications by Realin are available as core software for new products. Their functionality can be extended and modified according to service requirements. The applications are modern web apps, also suited for mobile devices.
Realin's RealEco is a versatile sensor data reporting application. RealEco is best suited for services with professional users and varying types and amounts of sensors.
Realin's Meter is a web application best suited for device manufacturers. It can be connected to one or more IoT devices and sensors. The application is very clear and easy to use, and the deployment can be automated with a one-time code.
Realin's House is an application for monitoring one or more properties and property-related systems. It is connected to real estate systems, such as home automation, cold automation, and other measurements through suitable interfaces.
Realin's Home is suitable for remote monitoring and control of an individual property or apartment for both professional and consumer use. The application is connected to building automation extended with other measurements, e.g. wireless sensors.
We can customise these product to suit your business and to look your business. Usually, the color scheme, product names, and web domain are changed, and of course the information content required by the new application. Extensive functional changes can be made on a customer-specific basis.
The web applications use Realin’s IoT platform and all platform interfaces and integrations are available. We have connected hundreds of different devices and larger systems in different projects.
Sensor data originates from a variety of measurement systems and contains both historical and real-time information.
Real-time and statistical analytics can automatically detect abnormal situations, long term deviations and indicate other possible problem areas.
Data analytics include, for example
LoRa is a global IoT technology for low energy wireless sensors and actuators.
We have implemented both private and public LoRa applications and helped our customers to incorporate the new technology into their products. Embedded software solutions are also available for the LoRa connectivity.
We have delivered LoRa solutions for the following applications
Check out the frequently asked questions below:
Yes! It is always possible to connect several data sources and different technologies to our service, from a single meter to a full scale building automation. In addition, other data sources, such as weather forecasts can be a part of the service.
LoRa-sensoreita, sovittimia ja toimilaitteita on saatavana lukuisiin käyttötarkoituksiin. Lista standardia tukevista laitteista on saatavana LoRa Alliance under (Certified Products).
Realin Oy is an authorized third-party service provider in the Fingrid datahub data exchange system. We can implement data hub integration and consumption reporting as a complete service.
We provide software to integrate datahub consumption measurements for reporting, tracking and invoicing. Consumption measurements can often be automatically imported into existing monitoring and invoicing systems.
We also deliver reporting applications for consumption monitoring and long-term reporting. An application can monitor and report one or several sites, depending on the access rights. In addition, real-time readings enable automatic alerts on sudden changes and overruns. We can take care of authorizations and credentials for the datahub system.
Fingrid datahub was put into use in February 2022 as a centralized data exchange system for the electricity retail market. Our software is certified with datahub's latest version 2.0.
Yes! It is always possible to connect several data sources and technologies to the same service, e.g. water consumption, building automation and additional IoT sensors.
Property user applications usually utilize measurements from an existing property automation, which are expanded with additional sensors.
Typical web applications include indoor air quality, space utilization and occupancy, and electricity and water consumption. Another example is the building's own energy production through solar panels, heat recovery and heat pumps.
Property applications are intended for the property manager, the property owner, the property user, and for the providers of different real estate services.
Dedicated applications with IoT devices enable service business for manufacturers and professional customers. In many cases, customers are expecting an accompanying web-application and API to exists with a device.
Realin provides software for a variety of devices manufacturers; sensors, air purifiers and building automation. Also, we deliver software to companies that utilize off-the-shelf sensors.
We integrate the devices and implement data collection, storage, web applications, APIs, and other types reporting needed.
Cold storage and equipment monitoring solutions are suitable for reporting cold storage facilities and equipment . Typical services report storage temperatures, detect deviations and collects information on the operation of refrigeration equipment.
In cold monitoring solutions, measurement data is retrieved from the automation or directly from equipment. Measurements can be expanded with, for example, wireless sensors. The connection to cold automation depends on the interface provided by the automation supplier or operator.
Cold monitoring applications typically implement:
Remote metering of water consumption enables easy and reliable reporting and billing based on consumption.
The real-time reading of water consumption is possible with IoT meters, such as LoRa, or through building automation. In addition to consumption, real-time readings enable the detection of a sudden consumption peaks or other abnormalities. Continuous analysis of data reveals slowly changing deviations.
Realin's solutions for water consumption monitoring are suitable for water utilities, property owners and property service providers. In addition to professional applications, consumption monitoring is suitable also for residents.
RFID solutions are suitable for both small business inventory management and multi-site RFID-based enterprise resource planning. Real-time inventory and easy access to reports are a prerequisite for monitoring and developing operations.
The solutions integrated with RFID readers existing data systems.
RFID solutions and applications implement for example:
"timeformat": "iso",
"data": [
"datatype": "acceleration",
"components": [
{ "id": "x", "unit": "m/s2" },
{ "id": "y", "unit": "m/s2" },
{ "id": "z", "unit": "m/s2" }
"datapoints": [
{ "t": "2015-06-01T10:00:00Z", "v": [9.824, 0.001, -0.104] },
{ "t": "2015-06-01T10:01:00Z", "v": [9.721, 0.001, -0.104] },
{ "t": "2015-06-01T10:02:00Z", "v": [-0.104, -9.605, 0.354] },
{ "t": "2015-06-01T10:03:00Z", "v": [-0.107, -9.731, 0.282] }
At Realin, we believe in open interfaces through which different sensor systems, technologies, servers and applications are connected.
Realin's service include APIs. We provide a machine-readable Realin API that allows your partners to connect to your service, or we implement the integration to your specific requirements as part of the deployment.
A modern API is easy to adopt, concise, automatically testable, secure, and scalable to a large number of users and data.
We have developed a scalable IoT software platform for sensor data reception, processing, analytics and rapid implementation of applications.
We also have a number of web applications ready from which we can effectively customize a product that suits your business and looks like your business.
We are committed to the continuous development of our software, and we are incorporating new features into our customers’ products.
Our platform runs in the cloud and allows new SaaS services to be quickly implemented, customized and scaled. The software platform can be moved to the platform specified by the customer.
Our IoT platform can be connected to different sensor systems regardless of technology and without changes to the web applications in use. For example, 5G, Modbus, SQL, LoRa, and Wifi can generate data for the same service.
The keywords are SQL, MongoDB, Elastic, Python, C++, JavaScript, AMQP, AWS, Azure.
We have years of experience in utilising LoRa technology in a variety of applications.
LoRa is a global and important part of IoT technologies, which enables reliable data transfer and years of operation even with battery-powered wireless sensors and actuators. The amount of data transferred is small, which suits sensor applications. Due to an efficient radio technology, the transmission distance of the wireless device can range from several hundred meters to tens of kilometers, while the battery can last for years. Data transmission is always encrypted and bidirectional, thus sending downlink control commands to the device is also possible.
As LoRa utilises a license-free frquency band, anyone can set up a private LoRa network or alternatively use a public service provider. In Finland, Digita Oy offers a public nationwide LoRa service.
The product range of LoRa devices is wide and constantly growing. LoRa measurements can be supplemented with other data sources. In addition to the sensors, the LoRa transmitter may include, for example, a pulse counter or a Modbus interface with which existing system data can be transmitted wirelessly.
The keywords are, LoRaWAN, AES, 868 MHz, Modbus, M-BUS.
We maintain the services in the cloud or on a customer's server platform. We operate in accordance with the service level agreement (SLA), which includes 24/7 availability, technical supervision and technical support.
Our automation continuously monitors the services and alerts us automatically in case of possible problems. For critical applications, we provide 24h help desk service.
The service agreement also includes updates of the software components and new functionality developed generated by Realin's internal product development. We take care of data security and data backup.
The keywords are NAGIOS, ELK STACK, SENTRY.
Our background is in the research project of Tampere University of Technology. As a result of the project, Realin Oy was founded and experienced researchers moved to the new company. We employ doctors, masters, and graduates in the field of engineering.
We have worked on numerous demanding research and development projects both before and after the founding of Realin. In addition to software technology, we also have background in embedded systems, communication protocols, and mathematics. We have been developing wireless sensor networks and their applications for 20 years.
Due to this, our strength is end-to-end expertise, we are able to help our customers in various areas and technologies of product development.
Realin's managing director Jukka Suhonen doctoral dissertation on the quality of service in wireless sensor networks was examined and accepted in 2012.
The keywords are WSN, QOS, R&D.
Reporting and data analytics for waste compactors.
Cloud services for air purifiers.
Real estate data analytics and reporting.
Reiot is a solution for monitoring the consumption and conditions of properties. That's the next green step.
Realin's cloud service together with Nordic ID's data readers enables scalable data storage and reporting.
Realin's web applications provide new opportunities for building automation users.
We will respond requests within two business days.
You can also contact us directly by phone or email.
RealEco on yleiskäyttöinen sovellus sensoritiedon raportointiin. RealEcolla voi raportoida tietoja rakennusatuomaatiosta GPS-paikantimiin, kameroihin ja langattomiin sensoreihin..
RealEco-sovellus toteuttaa käyttäjäkohtaiset profiilit, mittausten ryhmittelyn, graafiset kuvaajat, raporttien luonnin, hälytysten asettamisen, sekä kalenteri- ja karttanäkymät. Hallintapaneelin kautta palveluin ylläpito voi hallita käyttäjiä, käyttäjäryhmiä ja palveluun liitettyjä sensoreita ja tietojärjestelmiä.
Realin toimittaa pilvipalveluja ja web-sovelluksia mittaustiedon raportointiin ja IoT-laitteiden hallintaan. Autamme asiakkaitamme hyödyntämään uusia teknologioita liiketoiminnassaan ja tuotetarjonnassaan.
Me Realinilla kykynemme toimittamaan kokonaisvaltaiset tuotteet- ja ratkaisut asiakkaillemme. Realin integroi tarvittavat sensorit, laitteet ja järjestelmät pilvipalveluun sekä kehittää raportoinnin, web-sovellukset, analyysilaskennan ja rajapinnat.
Realin toimittaa pilvipalveluja ja web-sovelluksia mittaustiedon raportointiin ja IoT-laitteiden hallintaan. Autamme asiakkaitamme hyödyntämään uusia teknologioita liiketoiminnassaan ja tuotetarjonnassaan.
Me Realinilla kykynemme toimittamaan kokonaisvaltaiset tuotteet- ja ratkaisut asiakkaillemme. Realin integroi tarvittavat sensorit, laitteet ja järjestelmät pilvipalveluun sekä kehittää raportoinnin, web-sovellukset, analyysilaskennan ja rajapinnat.
Realin toimittaa pilvipalveluja ja web-sovelluksia mittaustiedon raportointiin ja IoT-laitteiden hallintaan. Autamme asiakkaitamme hyödyntämään uusia teknologioita liiketoiminnassaan ja tuotetarjonnassaan.
Me Realinilla kykynemme toimittamaan kokonaisvaltaiset tuotteet- ja ratkaisut asiakkaillemme. Realin integroi tarvittavat sensorit, laitteet ja järjestelmät pilvipalveluun sekä kehittää raportoinnin, web-sovellukset, analyysilaskennan ja rajapinnat.